Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Departure Day: Reflection

Grilled Meats, Cheers, and Greets,

The Thursday before departure we went out for the samgyapsal. We also went to T12 and Anna's. It was stupendously drunken. Revelry, my god.

James and Shiraz: Waiting for some Porkin'

Straight to Ice Cream on the 지하철

After meat and ice cream, I stopped by the dorm and grabbed some gear. This is my walk towards 신촌.

View of the NMI (New Millennium Hall) at night

만두-esque bird? crescent? croissant? in the woods on campus

The big tree in the middle of campus was lit-up.

Met up at T 12: James, Jake, Amy

Awwwww. Couple Look. Inadvertent?

Then we high tailed it to Anna's. I dont have a single picture of that. Theres something about a giant dog pile. Look it up in the teammate's section. So that was Thursday, heres Friday babies.

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