Sunday 18 November 2007

Time Travel: >>

So we fast forward like a month... 11-18-07

Today we went to our favorite 다방 (cafe). There we drank copious amounts of coffee. The man who works there gives tons of service (freebies). So as you will see later we were strung out on coffee. James and Pat worked on shit on their computers. Me and Gelli drew stuff. After that we headed to our favorite ラーメン (ramen, 라면 아니고...). We witnessed a real 식선수 (Food Player aka eating champion). I asked the かわいいお姉さん who was working there(기옆은누나?) what the deal was. The deal is, you eat a toilet bowl sized ramen serving under 20mins, you eat for free. However, if you can't you have to pay 2만원 ($20, 20円)After, witnessing a true hero, we witnessed true brutality in the form of Park Chan-Wook's Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. The pictures are telling of the draining ordeal. Enjoy...

다방James and Gelli (Angelica), as status quo we are together on this episode

Gelli and Pat. Pat is our chingoo from the BC. You will hear from him more often. Yes that is Guernica. in the background

Heres the bill for the fight between the Windshield Viper vs Gelika Plasmatic.

... In a word: strung-out
Ramen: 三丁目

Eating! Drinking! Fighting!

... In a word: hero.

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

In a word: Down trodden...

Post Scriptum:
Our friend from back home (Seattle) has a new band Grave Maker. Check them out.

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