Sunday 18 November 2007

The Cool Kids

Meandering in Shinchon or These are my Friend : D ...

Pat, Jason, James, Amy, Gelli, Felix, Hannah

This is the band Transubstantiation is Hematophagy
Felix - Vampire Bat
James - Leeches
Gelli - Vocals
Pat - Assassin Bug
Jason - Nematode


Sophistication of sorts


angelikaaaa said...

yo fucking love how many awesome elements you've covered while disregarding chronology(i like it that way though)...loved our day at the stream and our doodle day yesterday(soo much time elapsed inbetween its crazy)...and that picture of dowtrodden pat looks like a freaking toddler i love it. look at me im 'gushing' and i've used "love" like every other word...TBC as in "to be continued" in actual conversation form not on blog comment!!!!!

postscript-so glad you made me vocals of the i goblin or gutteral...or perhaps just otherworldy/ungodly technique?

Unknown said...

hahahahhaaaa, the pat beer/cig then me tea/cracker pictures? fucking awesome. and genius! my brog